Choose Your Own Story: Is Self-Publishing for You?
Saturday, 12 December 2015
These days, writers who want to get their book published have options. Traditional publishing is still a popular choice, but many are now turning to self-publishing instead. While the result of traditional publishing and self-publishing is the same—a published book—there are significant differences between them that will affect your decision to pursue one or the
- Published in Publishing
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The Age of E-Books: Electronic Publishing
Monday, 16 November 2015
E-books have become an increasingly popular option for self-publishing authors. Thanks to a rapidly growing worldwide market for e-books, and a large number of online venues for selling and buying e-books, your books are only a couple of clicks away from over one billion potential readers with their tablets, laptops, e-readers, and smart phones. Even
- Published in Promoting, Publishing
Editing the Big Picture
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
The self-publishing industry is full of copy editors and discussions about how to get the most out of copy editing. But what those discussions often fail to point out is that copyediting is the second step of the editing process. The first step is ideally content editing, which is about the structure and content of
- Published in Editing
Do I Really Need an Author Website?
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
“Do I really need to have an author website?” This is a question many self-publishers ask and, while having an author website is not for everyone, the answer is almost always, “Yes, you do.” Having a website requires time and energy, but is a proven way to promote and sell your books. A recent study
- Published in Promoting
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